For this invitational meet, I was only allowed to run two hurdlers in the boys and girls races. One boy hurldler was hurt and didn't run...the other took a nose dive over the last hurdle and is covered in brush burns now and unfortunately didn't finish! The brush burns gave me flash back to the time I ate some of Jeannette's cinder track and sprained my ankle...luckily he walked away with just brush burns and bruises. I still have cinders in the scars on my knees and elbows!
For the girls 100m hurdle race, the girl who is usually my lead hurdler ran some other sprinting events to try to help us get some team points. Each athlete was permitted to run in only three events...AND she placed second in the 100m dash and also earned medals in the 400m relay and 1600m relay.

Overall the team did pretty good winning lots of medals...especially in the relays. Happy Friday!
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