I feel like my Grandma was trying to get me ready for these last hours of her life and that she knew her time was running short over the past couple of years. Four or five years ago, she gave me a bunch of their Christmas decorations when they were getting too old to put them all out...I cherish each ornament as I place it on the tree...especially the ones my pap made. They also gave me a bunch of little under-the-tree decorations that my pap made...he loved his plaster of paris and his paints. Over the past couple years since I moved back home, Grandma gave me all kinds of little things from an emergency kit for my car to kitchen odds and ends. I most treasure the silverware she gave me that she was given for her wedding. But more importantly, it has been a blessing these past years that I moved back home because I got to spend more time with them. Last year, we all went to church on their wedding anniversary and sang together in Slovak "God Grant Us Many Years." But my Grandma knew...she commented that would probably be the last anniversary we all could gather together at the church for. She hung on for one more anniversary this year in the nursing home...64 years! I pray tonight that she doesn't have to suffer too much more and that she finds peace in God's loving embrace.
(Photo below is their 50 year wedding anniversary)
Such a sweet Gramdma.