Wednesday, April 4, 2012

One of my blogging friends suggested this prompt, so I thought I'd give it a try...

I Believe...

I believe in God...a god of love, compassion, forgiveness and mercy...a god that does not discriminate and does not favor one child over another.  I believe in a god that is ever-present in every molecule in the universe and dwells in each of us.  I believe in a god that is the light and the force that drives every moment and action in the universe.  I believe this God does not belong to one religion but to all of us.  I believe we are all brothers and sisters in one human family.  I believe the content of one's character is more important than one's skin color, age, gender, ethnicity sexual orientation or religious association.  I believe people like Jesus, the Gospel writers (Matthew is my favorite), the Buddha and the Dalai Lama should be our spiritual guides and teachers...spiritual wisdom comes from many sources.  I believe we should try to model our lives after teachers like Jesus, the Buddha, Gandhi, Mother Theresa, and so on.

I believe everything happens for a reason and that which does not destroy us only makes us stronger.  I believe nothing is given to us in life that we can't handle and every challenge is a lesson, every enemy a teacher.  I believe that faith can get us through anything.  I believe in Karma.  I believe Gandhi was right..."an eye for an eye will make the whole world blind."  I believe in turning the other cheek and forgiving others.

I believe in giving without expectation of anything in return.  I believe in paying it forward and giving back.  I believe in compassion.   I believe in being truly grateful for the many blessings--big and small--in my life.  I believe that there are much more valuable things to be given and received than material items...time, charity, kindness, compassion, love, forgiveness, empathy, and open-mindedness to name a few.

I believe in the power of love.  Love can heal and save us all.  I believe a family should  be a source of unconditional love. I believe that we all should love one another.  I believe: "blessed are the peacemakers."  I believe that we are not here to judge each other but to learn from and help each other.

I believe learning is a life long process...and that we become wiser with age.  I believe in reading books...the tangible kind that I can stack on my shelf.  I believe in learning and embracing new ideas and lessons everyday.  I believe our children should be taught how to thing...not what to think.  I believe knowledge, learning, and understanding empower us all.

I believe in being kind to animals.  I believe pets improve your quality of life.  They can always make you laugh at unexpected times and ease the stresses of daily life.

I believe lots of fresh air and sunshine are necessary for our souls...being outdoors is healing and sustaining for our bodies, minds and souls.  I believe that growing plants is as good for us as it is for the environment.  I believe that home grown food is irreplaceable.

I believe in the power of a good home cooked meal.  Homemade chicken soup really does heal!

What do you believe in?

"The blog... sends out blog prompts so that we as bloggers can get a sense of what one another is like, this is in response to their recent prompt, "What do you believe in?"  If you are a blogger that follows here, please feel free to write a post about what you believe in, so that I can get to know you better as well."


  1. I believe that God is like a father to us. And just like your father and my father, he created us, and then he tried to teach us (through Jesus) what is right and wrong. But just like your father and my father, however best he did his work, we are still free and independant to do whatever we want. It is up to us to follow the right path and do the right thing. God is not responsible for our mistakes.
    I believe that Jesus only asked one thing of us : love one another. He never laid down any limit of gender, colour, culture or sexual orientation. I believe that anyone who tries to lay down a limit on this commandment is mistaken. Furthermore, Jesus showed us by his life and his action that he loved and tried to help everyone, regardless of their gender, culture our way of life: he especially loved the "outcasts", and he never tried to change them into something they were not.
    Finally, I believe that we all belong to the same race : the human race.

  2. Thanks Chrissy and Mymy:) I loved reading both of your "I Believe" posts! Great idea Chrissy!
